Mining Crypto to
multiply grow double
your investment
Our Mission
Our mission is to multiply your investment by utilizing cryptocurrency mining / farming of Chia (XCH).
Want to know how much you can earn?

Calculator for Chia (XCH)
How much can you earn investing in Chia farming?
Use this calculator to estimate how much you can earn from farming the Chia cryptocurrency (XCH)[1] on the Chia Network. Input the investment amount, resulting number of plots (hard disk space) that you would like to dedicate, and the calculator will give you an overview of your estimated & projected earnings when investing in cryptocurrency farming/mining of Chia (XCH) with Cryptoshovel.
LIVE exchange rate from Coingecko.
Updated every 30 min. $
ROI | - in - months | |
Earnings | - in - months | |
Projected Earnings #1 price of XCH at $1645 (all time high) |
- in - months - ROI |
$1645 per XCH |
Projected Earnings #2 price of XCH at - 67.3% CAGR(compound annual growth) of crypto market |
- in - months - ROI |
- per XCH |
Number of Plots
Total XCH
Chia per month

Only 1% of the global population is invested in crypto, meaning it has massive growth potential.[1]
According to Study
Our Process
Initial Contact

Plan & Due Diligence

Setup of Mining Hardware

Receive Payouts

What is the investment used for?
Your investment will be used to purchase, setup & manage mining/farming equipment for Chia (XCH)
What is Chia (XCH)?
Chia was incorporated in August of 2017 to develop an improved blockchain and smart transaction platform. The Chia Network is built to improve the global financial and payments systems. Chia is the first enterprise-grade digital money. Chia is using the first new Nakamoto consensus algorithm since Bitcoin. Called Proof of Space and Time, it was created by Bram Cohen, the best network protocol engineer alive and the inventor of BitTorrent. Chialisp is Chia’s new smart transaction programming language that is powerful, easy to audit, and secure. Reference smart transactions currently available are: atomic swaps, authorized payees, recoverable wallets, multisig wallets, and rate-limited wallets.
Why do we mine Chia (XCH) and not other coins like Bitcoin or Ethereum?
The simple answer is, it’s cheaper.
Chia uses Proof of Space as its consensus algorithm. Bitcoin & Ethereum use Proof of Work, which is significantly more energy consuming and requires more expensive hardware.
Chia has a new innovative Nakamoto consensus algorithm that removes the energy demands of Proof of Work from the system. Compared to other cryptocurrencies, Chia has significantly better security due to its more decentralized blockchain. Chialisp is Chia’s new smart transaction programming language that is powerful, easy to audit, and secure and will unlock the security, transparency, and ease of use that cryptocurrencies promise. Chia is also adopting more modern cryptographic tools to enable richer smart transaction capabilities. Chia is taking a new and superior approach to funding, building, and supporting a blockchain via an eventually public, for-profit, open source development company that holds a pre-farm. Chia will use its pre-farm (Strategic Reserve) to ease the volatility of the coin to mitigate bubbles and crashes and to drive adoption of chia.
Where can I see my ROI?
Just to our calculator & see for yourself.
How and When do I get paid?
You get paid at the beginning of each month, after the machines have been purchased. We pay you with the cryptocurrencies you have mined. Currently, we mine 1 crypto, so you will receive 1 payment. It is then your decision to reinvest these funds, convert them into USD or just keep them and wait for a price increase.
Where are you located?
Is it too late to invest in Cryptocurrency?
Yes, the world of cryptocurrencies is constantly evolving. And we believe that we are only at the beginning of the crypto revolution.
Look around you. Do you know a lot of people who are interested in it? Barely 1% of the population holds cryptocurrencies. Imagine when there will be even 10%!
Ready to get started?
Reach out to us for a consultation.