Calculator for Chia (XCH)

How much can you earn investing in Chia farming?

Use this calculator to estimate how much you can earn from farming the Chia cryptocurrency (XCH)[1] on the Chia Network. Input the investment amount, resulting number of plots (hard disk space) that you would like to dedicate, and the calculator will give you an overview of your estimated & projected earnings when investing in cryptocurrency farming/mining of Chia (XCH) with Cryptoshovel.


LIVE exchange rate from Coingecko.
Updated every 30 min.
ROI - in - months
Earnings - in - months
Projected Earnings #1
price of XCH at $1645 (all time high)
- in - months
$1645 per XCH
Projected Earnings #2
price of XCH at -
67.3% CAGR(compound annual growth) of crypto market
- in - months
per XCH


Number of Plots




Total XCH


Chia per month
